Should “Boomerang” Employees Try to Get Their Old Job Back?

This week on The JSA Blog, we’re sharing some news from the Staffing Industry.

The term “Boomerang Employee” refers to people who quit their job but have returned to that very same job they left. About 1 in 5 people who left a job during the pandemic have reportedly returned to that very same job after a hiatus. Why would an employee want to return to a job they previously were unhappy in? Perhaps the employer has made significant culture changes due to the pandemic; think more flexibility, or changes in compensation. Many organizations have also cleaned up and streamlined many workplace tasks, as they’ve had to adopt to a remote or hybrid work model.  

But is it always the best or smartest move to return to your old job? There are 2 sides to this coin. Many employers are very open to the idea, due to the fact that the employee is already familiar with the job requirements and workplace culture, and can hit the ground running with lower onboarding costs. However, there are other employers who won’t consider re-hiring because they believe it sends a troubling message to others in the organization, and can cause disruption as others look to leave with the idea that “they can always come back.”

Then of course, there is the employee side of the equation. Sometimes after some time apart, one only remembers the positive aspects of the job, and a return may lead to a resurfacing of issues that led to an employee leaving in the first place. There are many factors to consider, but it does appear that “Boomerang Employees could be the next big trend after the so-called Great Resignation, according to workplace experts who spoke to CNBC Make It.” Click the link below to read the full article and learn more about the question of Should “Boomerang” Employees Try to Get Their Old Job Back?